August Wrap up


I can’t believe we are at the end of August!

I had big reading plans for the month especially with requesting many books for my birthday. Due to a difficult month I was unable to read as much as I had planned.

Total pages- 1,975





The Evidence Against You by Gilian McAllister. This was such a great book. I could not stop listening to it. It was on all the time. I was gripped. I couldn’t guess the plot at all.

Can you keep a secret? by Sophie Kinsella. This is the only book not part of the Shopaholic Series I have read so was a little nervous. I will always love her writing and this was no different. A light fun read that made me laugh and cry. The ending I had guessed would happen but I didn’t mind. It felt like a warm familiar hug.

Fat boy Swim by Catherine Forde this was chosen as a quick read that would get it off my shelf and it being a quick read. As a 23-year old I’m not the target audience. There were parts of it that I was able to relate to a little. Some of the reasons characters did things were not always clear. It didn’t hold my attention. If I hadn’t finished it, I honestly wouldn’t be bothered.

The Definition of us by Sarah Harris. I had very high hopes for this book and was super excited, unfortunately I did not feel the same by the time I finished. It didn’t feel like there was much to the characters which caused me to feel disconnected to them. I understand what the author was trying to do but feel it unsuccessful.

The fifth book of August was Deception- A Love Of Lies by T J Blake. I was lucky enough to have been part of the book tour for this. My thoughts are in a previous post.

Book six of the month was The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter by David Colbert. I enjoyed this book much more than I expected. It told me more about some of the myths and legends behind creatures within the series. It was very different for me as I rarely read non fiction. I have made some notes in my bullet journal about this book too.

What have you been reading?

Take care,

Dolphin xx