New emojis 


So I came across this today and got very excited as it shows that slowly disability is being recognised.

The new emojis are really sweet and I think it’s about time they get introduced.

Take care,

Dolphin xx



We have had more snow here and my little sister took some lovely pictures in our back garden. Then edited them into a collage for me to post on here! 

Here they are below.

Take care,

Dolphin xx

Setting up new bullet journal 


Today I have been setting up my new bullet journal. 

My previous purple one was a gift so I don’t know where it came from.

This is my new one. I decided to go for “berry” and am in love. 

The spreads I have transferred over are;


Books I have read 

Films to watch and

Self care.

When I start using it for dailies and weeklies I will post some pics.

Take care,

Dolphin xx

Prompt- Wonder


I know this is the prompt from a few days ago I just didn’t know how I wanted to word it.

One of the books I have read is called Wonder by R.J Palacio. It’s about a young boy who after years of being home schooled, decides he wants  to go to a mainstream school. But, due to him being “different”, this isn’t an easy transition. I really enjoyed this book and was able to relate to some of the content and feelings as a 19 year old wheelchair user .

Throughout my life I have felt and been seen as different. I try my hardest not to let this upset me. It  can be a little difficult when my disability is very obvious.

I believe it is this that has given me the strength to be the person I am today. Having to fight for schools, access, support and other aspects of my life has made me realise how much of a gift everything is.

Having said that, I do sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I didn’t have a disability. How would I be different from who I am now? But I then realise this is how I was made and I can do as much as possible to use my disability to inspire others. To show them that my chair does not stop me from being the person I want to be.

I have already achieved so much such as Duke of Edinburgh, Baden Powell Challenge and so many other things. If my blog can help one other person by showing them they are not alone and help to get them through a tough time then I have done my job.

I don’t want people to see my chair and think I can’t. I want them to see me and know that I may have to do things differently or take longer but if I want to do it I can. My mum has always said ” there is always a way round something.”I have also believed this too.

What have you always been told by your mum/female member of the family. As it is mother’s day.


Take care,

Dolphin xx


Film review Boyhood 

I really enjoyed this film it took a close look into relationships. It looked at the relationship between a boy and his father, mother and sister and the extended family. How they each had their own issues such as lack of money, alcoholism and trying to find themselves in a very dictatorship world. 

I love the way the characters were developed over the film. Life through the eyes of a young child. It follows him until he turns 18. 

One main theme is divorce, I am thankful that this is something I personally have not had to deal with so can only imagine how this could effect a young child. 

There where life lessons weaved throughout which viewers who are or have recently taken a big life step/change may pick up on. One of the things it made me think about is how short life is, so go hiking, make art or music or whatever it may be that makes you happy. In today’s world we are pressured to fit into set ways. So long as you work hard and determined you can achieve anything. 

There were also some really good quotes that I would like to pick out.

The first being “You know how everyone’s always saying seize the moment? I don’t know I’m kinda thinking it’s the other way around. You know, like, the moment seize us.” We should make each and every moment count.

“At some point you’re no longer growing up, you’re aging. But no one can pinpoint that moment exactly.” This is very true and I have been thinking about this over the last few days.

What do you think of it?

Take care,

Dolphin xx

Bullet Journal 


Some of you may remember that I have been bullet journaling. This started in Early December 2016.

I really really enjoy it and it allows me to be creative in small chunks.

It also shows me what I need to do and what I have already achieved each day. I add in little stickers,tickets, post cards, doodles about my day.

It’s a really really good way to keep track of things, and some amazing inspiration on Pinterest has also inspired some of my pages. 

For me, it’s a great reflection on what has gone well as when I am depressed I don’t see any of the positives. I can also see how long a depression episode lasts as that is where there are date gaps. On days when I am struggling a bit I can look back and remember good days with friends and trips I have been on. 

I have been using the same purple notebook since I started and it’s ALMOST finished! I can’t wait to start a new one. The reason I have been using the same one instead of different ones each year is that I don’t waste or half use notebooks and start new in the new year. 

I will try to upload some pictures of some of my pages.

Do you bullet journal? Does it help you? Please show me some pictures of how yours looks.

Take care,

Dolphin xx

Book review 

Orphan x by Gregg Hurwitz

It took a little while to get into but it then became really good. There where some interesting revelations. It had a very very unexpected ending.

Take care,

Dolphin xx

2 years 


I opened my wordpress this afternoon to this.

I can not believe it has been that long! I still love it just as much as when I started.

Take care,

Dolphin xx