May Reading Wrapup


How are you doing? I have been very tired this month and therefore been taking my reading quite slow.

Physical- 4

Audio books-0


Total Pages- 1,240

Total- 4

Reached by Ally Condie. This is the final book in the Matched trilogy. There were lots of things I hadn’t picked up on in previous books that made me re think. The element of the big question being who is the pilot took far to long to be revealed. Some elements I felt were irrelevant which ended up in me being frustrated. I know this review is vague but I don’t want to include any spoilers.

Heartstopper volume 4 by Alice Oseman. This is another series I am now up to date with until the fifth book is released. This handled the topic of eating disorders really well. It is a difficult topic in general. The information given is accurate to my knowledge. Nick is so gentle with Charlie and understanding. Once again with it being a graphic novel the illistrations were adorable.

Big Panda Tiny Dragon by James Norbury. This was a very small book but was really sweet. It’s a little spirit lifter. The drawings on each page were really effective. The small amount of colours used worked really well.

Harry Potter and the Phillosopher’s Stone by J K Rowling. This is a re-read. My plan is to read one of these books each month to complete the series by December, however if it takes longer I don’t mind. This is a series that feels very comforting to me.

I hope you have been able to get some reading done too.

Take care,

Dolphin xx

April Wrapup


Hope you are doing well. I can’t believe we are at the end of April already. I spent a lot of the month finishing my college courrse making my reading a bit sporadic until we went away.

Total Pages-1,937

Physical books-4




The first book I finished was Rosie Loves Jack by Mel Dabon. This was a lovely (for most of it) story and it was great to see a disabled character being independent. The love felt so real and true. There was a big twist that I really didn’t see coming. The twist made me feel very uncomfortable but it was designed to.

The second book was Shopaholic and Sister by Sophie Kinsella. This is a very old series but I still want to make progress on this. It was really easy to get invested in.This was as great as the other books. There are some parts of the main charater that I can relate to. The situations she finds herself in are outragous and seem ridiculous but that’s what makes it funny. It is a comfort series for me as it is so absorbing.

Next I finished Sad Perfect by Stephanie Eliot. This was about Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. (ARFID) It was really interesting to find out about the thoughts and feelings behind this disorder. Alongside how much it takes over a persons life. This is a newer mental health issue so I didn’t know much about it. It was nice to have a book with short chapters.

The next book of the month was A Mindfulness Guide For The Frazzled by Ruby Wax. It was funny but serious at the same time. I listened to this whilst we were away. I loved the personal stories being woven in and how it felt like she was getting side tracked. This made it feel like a conversation.

Then it was Brightstorm by Vashti Hardy. This was a great adventure story about a race to a far away place using sky ships which I thought was really cool. I also loved the found family element. It did take a little while to fully understand the world but I think that was more down to me having to rewind the audiobook a lot.

The final book was Heartstopper volume 3 by Alice Oseman. Once again I loved this. Absolutely adorable it was great to learn a lot about not only the main characters but also the friends.

Can’t wait to know what you have been reading.

Take care,

Dolphin xx