July Wrap up


I can’t believe we are at the end of July already. I managed to start some bigger books and would like to continue this for the rest of the year. This may mean smaller wrapup posts or they may become bimonthly I haven’t decided yet.





Total pages-1,236

The first book I finished was The Runaway Jury by John Grisham. This is usually an author I enjoy however, this specific book was not one I enjoyed this is partly due to the law case being around tobacco companies and smoking. There was a sub plot that made no sense to me. I will still read his works as I usually enjoy them.

The second book finished was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling. This is one of the two I enjoy the most within the series. The time turner is really cool. Sometimes I wish they were real so I can go back and change things, but I know this will mess things up.

The final book was Scarlet by Marissa Meyers. Another book within a series complete. I am really enenjoying these. I might look at what else is similar. It was really cool how it linked to the previous book.

Take care,

Dolphin xx