Prompt refresh

So refresh hmmm this one is tricky.
My first thought was laptop not working lets press refresh.
As I am going to Devon next week I will relax and refresh ready for college and exam season.
Take care,
Dolphin xx

<a href=””>Refresh</a&gt;

Prompt voice


We all have one so why not use it? Speak up for those who can’t even something as simple as offering to listen to someone’s issues can help them. We all live in this world together so why don’t we help each other? We all have the power if we join together as one we become even stronger.

Take care,

Dolphin xx

Prompt Conceal


So today I thought I would try using the daily prompt to inspire my post.

For me conceal is not allowing others to see something. It makes me think of a secret garden hidden away from everywhere.

A waterfall, mountain, the sea or other natural place to promote tranquility and calm. A safe place, a place for you to gather your thoughts, a place for you to have some alone time to hide away from the busy hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Take care,

Dolphin xx



So whilst lying in bed last night I found a quote that describes me quite well.

“Fall seven times, stand up eight.”

To me this means even when everything gets very difficult carry on because the more you work at something the more likley you are to find the answer.

Take care,

Dolphin xx